Monday, January 10, 2011

Jellybeans, Minnesota, and Writing

Hi all!

Welllll, the latest with me is a new background for FTBM, I changed it tonight. Tomorrow, Mom and me and my siblings head to Rochester to pick up my two little cousins, Kara and Katelyn, and keep them for a week at our house while my uncle (their dad) has a back surgery on Wednesday. My grandpa also has a surgery tomorrow, to hopefully fix his crushed spine. He fell against a vending machine on the way out of his hotel after my cousin's wedding in November. He tripped over some bags he was carrying, or something. PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM! If anything goes wrong in the surgery tomorrow, he could become paralyzed for the rest of his life. :(

On a lighter note, I also changed my profile pic to another new pic of Georgie at the VDT premiere. hehe Y'all know what I look like, so I want something different, and she is like one of my favorite actresses!!!!! <3

Right now, I'm in love with cable knit. I saw a navy blue cable knit cardigan at Old Navy, and I wanted to get it SOOOOO BADDD!!!!!!! But I'm glad I didn't, becuz I ended up going out with a friend for lunch today, and if I had gotten the cardigan, I woulda been broke. :) Soooo, I put it on my bday list. (my bday is Jan. 20th, for those of you who might not know.) LOL

Oh ya, one of my absolute favorite blogs is Modestus Filia!!!!
That blog is all about modest fashion, which is a much-need in the world we live in today!!! I love going on her blog becuz I get ideas for outfits alot when I look at what she has to offer. And also, I love Miss Raquel's blog:
She blogs about fashion as well, and comes up with some ADORABLE outfits!!!
Anyhoo, oh yes. I got the inspiration to write a story about a girl who get's saddled (almost literally) with the responsibility of taking care of a fiesty, temperamental young mare named Moonshine. I've been having not the best of luck, or fortune, with writing lately. I get inspiration lately, like alot! I write scenes in my head, (hehe like from "Flicka"????) then when I go to write them down, all of it either just vanishes like, poof!, or it totally does not turn out the way it did in my head. GRRRRR Sooo frustrating!!!!!! As you can imagine. Well, ttul


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Manda <3