Friday, December 13, 2013

//Holiday Blessings//

// Basketball season has started, and I love watching my younger sisters do their stuff on the court! Kara and I are definitely proud big sisters!! ;) Plus it means I get to see Kara more often, which is always a huge plus! //

// I have one more week before Christmas break!!! //

// Teacher-aiding my senior year has most definitely been the highlight so far, and I'm sure it will continue to be. I looove my kindergartners with all my heart! I love receiving their hugs, and one boy, one of my favorites, who every morning says, "Merry Christmas, Miss Amanda". //

// Christmas music. Its just the best. Replaying "Why I Love Christmas" by Missy Robertson & Josh Turner over and over and over and over. //

// Knowing God has everything in control, and that He's always watching over us every minute of every day. Thank You Jesus! //

// Drinking cold lattes //

// White, pure, cold, beautiful snow!! Its melting, but a storm is supposed to come tomorrow and I can't wait! //

// Kara Marie, the best older sister any girl could ever ask for! And one of the biggest gifts and blessings I've ever received. #ButGod //

// Jesus, who is the true reason for the Christmas season. Thank You for your love, Lord. //

What are you thankful for this holiday season?

Merry Christmas!!!!


1 comment :

  1. Hey Amanda,
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I'm glad you've gotten this far, cuz you know how much I loooove comments! So go ahead and leave one!!!

Manda <3